Saturday, October 30, 2010

Next few

I left Rishikes today. Almost cried on a few occassions, some of the 'see-you-laters' ended up being a bit more emotional than I thought they would be.. :) How so sweet!

I would love to but cant give you any nice summary of the past month, the feelings and thoughts are a bit mixed in my head right now - I am probably just more tired than anything else... Most of the day was spent in a car again - listening to music after a month, now let me tell you, a true life-changing experience - 8 hours and finally got to Delhi, which is just loud and polluted and I really cant be asked to deal with 12million people at the moment. Tomorrow is the Taj trip and then back to Hunagry for a few days... looking forward, looking forward.

Yep, this is what I was going to tell you: I can be seen, dragged out for beers, meals, etc until next Friday noon, then - VERYSUPERAWESOME lucky me, I am on my way to Morocco......... wooohooo! :)
Then, 4 weeks Malaga, one at home with Mom, and then over to South-East Asia for a while, starting on the 20th of December! :D

...............shall I continue? :P

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