Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Phuket, round 2

The January training sessions and the time we spent at Mama's were so sweet, that the week after we left Phuket we already talked about coming back here for a few weeks.. So we did. Landed on the 26th of February and were not picked up by the cab Mama arranged - well, one of the hickups that just happen here. We spent the Sunday with moving bungalows, unpacking, doing the first shopping run for the essentials such as the ant-traps, fruits and veggies and bottles of V8, spent time talking with the crew at Mama's - it was really nice to be back!

Monday we both stareted training, me doing yoga, the crazy bodyfit and some krabi krabong, Dave jumped straight into muay thai after the first - and VERY different - yoga session in the morning. Simon simply went mad during the few weeks we were away, not really sure what happened, but we stopped going to yoga after the second class. It was just not a place either of us wanted to be any longer.

Well, apart from this - nothing else happened at all! :) Great time, great weather, continuous laughs, good food, pooltime, dinners at Tony's and Fatty's, training every day, Starbucks and Stardust, movie nights, many massage sessions with Pong, reading Mr Nice, planning the near future - oh, and my 30th birthday, nice and sweet and simple, no drama just tons of rain; and then a day diving later that week with a few of the boys from the bodyfit class. 3 weeks gone.

On Thursday, Dave leaves for Vietnam and I leave for Hong Kong on Friday. Then I will visit my dear friend Keri in Taiwan next week before heading to Saigon for a few, then meeting Dave in Hanoi in the beginning of April. ....as the plans go.
I am superexcited to go to Hong Kong and to see Keri - not so much about Vietnam itself but I know it will be just awesome to see the smiley face again after 2 weeks apart. Not really sure how it will be after we say goodbye and head off to two different continents afterwards though......... well, such is life, isnt it.

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