On Wednesday morning, day 3 at school, I managed to explain my landlady what I wanted for breakfast – I took it as quite a big achievement; the progress I made in a week would make you all very proud of me... J
Struggling with a nasty cold though for a few days I was my most antisocial self during almost the whole week, and still squeezing in 7-8 hours of studying every day it just got to me on Thursday night. I went for the first run on the playa – what shall I say, 20C, sunset, sea breeze and all those beautiful people, great music on the iPod and my salad and a mango waiting for me at home…. – I had a great exercise and finally slept like a baby afterwards. Then the mission for Friday was, to take down everyone's numbers and convince my lil' classmates to take me out dancing later that night. It took me about 3 minutes – and by the time the A1 group paella started cooking, we had a plan in place: cook the paella, eat the paella, don't go back to school in the afternoon, start drinking latest at 1.30 pm, vamos a la playa, drink some more there, go home to shower and change, meet at 8 for some tapas, go downtown around 10 and don't stop causing trouble until Saturday morning. J It worked out quite well I have to say. The paella was awesome, I was drunk by 1.49pm – for the first time –; got a bit more drunk by the sun was down, had some not so smart conversations, then a bit of food and was downtown as agreed, in an Irish pub (but of course, where else) drinking Guinness and having tequila shots just because, and then went dancing…….. thank god the drinks there were not the cheapest so in the end nothing horribly outrageous happened. The hangover yesterday was a more than painful of course – I haven't been drinking since the leavingparty in Prague, so all the wine and beer and shots were a wee bit harsh on the system. Oh well. Today is run-on-the-beach and go-to-see-Picasso day, with some icecream and sunshine – if only I wasn't alone in bed, it could easily be one of those perfect days..
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